The challenges facing literary festivals were discussed this week at the fourth conference of the Global Association of Literary Festivals (GAoLF), 29 and 30 January. Held during the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature in Dubai, 26 directors from festivals in Australia, USA, UK, UAE, Argentina, China, Africa, Malaysia and Europe took part in the event, including the Cheltenham Literature Festival, Edinburgh International Book Festival, Berlin International Literature Festival and Melbourne Writers Festival.
Isobel Abulhoul, Founder, Advisor and Trustee of the Emirates Literature Foundation, who hosted the conference, said: “Literary festivals are an undisputed force in the book world with hundreds of festivals around the globe bringing tens of thousands of authors directly to millions of readers. They provide an increasingly rare and valuable space where people can discuss complex ideas at length, allowing contrasting opinions to be heard, providing a vital role in a time of cultural and national polarisation. However almost all festivals are entirely operated as independent charities. As sponsorship and arts funding declines, how can we ensure that festivals continue to serve the industry?”
Jenny Niven, Edinburgh International Book Festival, said: “Creating space for genuine international knowledge exchange and sharing is incredibly valuable and appreciated enormously by everyone in the extended family of GAOLF festivals. The discussions have been enriching, informative and inspiring and the community the platform engenders will sustain us and spark many a collaboration in the years to come.”
Julianne Mooney Siron, Dublin Book Festival, said: “It has been a wonderful opportunity to share experiences, challenges and ideas with festivals from around the world. Connecting with so many people with a similar love and passion for books has been invigorating and inspiring and I hope the beginning of many collaborations.”.
Nermin Mollaglu, İstanbul International Literature Festival, said: “This is my second time at the Global Association of Literary Festivals Conference in Dubai. As it is held at “festival city” it is very apt to bring all the curators of the international festivals to this venue, to share the knowledge and demonstrate how to curate a conference well.”
More than 150 festivals worldwide are members of the Association, which was launched in 2020, providing a support for festivals during Covid. It provides a forum through which festivals can exchange ideas, share best practice, discuss challenges and explore partnerships and collaborations. It promotes the enrichment of programmes by encouraging access to authors from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
For more details, see The Global Association of Literature Festivals https://www.gaolf.org